
Our engine to bet on innovation is to generate a positive economic, social and environmental impact, from the need to find new solutions to the problems of our society.


8 empty houses put into use:

  • 3 Private donations

  • 5 Cesions  from private owners

15 processes carried out since 2018:

  • 8 families, 31 people
  • 27 refugees
  • 4 migrants


The construction of an average house of 90m2 useful in a housing block will generate about 47,628 GHG of CO2 eq.

La construcción de vivenda nueva genera alrededor de 441 Kg. de GEI de CO2 eq. por m2 construido*.

* According to the report: Estimation of the carbon footprint of the residential development of the UAM – Vía Célere Observatory for the Environmental Sustainability of Residential Buildings.

According to a report by ECODES, an independent non-profit organisation working towards sustainable and environmentally friendly development, 32 beneficiaries from 8 households have been prevented from generating 78.64 tonnes of solid waste, with a total volume of 90.56 m3 and 381.024 kg of CO2 GHG if they had been newly built houses.


Testimonies of the ADCE (Association of Collaborative Law of the Basque Country) about its founder Mariajosé Anitua Trevijano due to her resignation as president.

ADCE impact measurement study

External evaluation of the impact of the Euskadi Collaborative Law Association (ADCE). Made by Gema Varona

Collaborative Systemic Model Network