Our engine to bet on innovation is to generate a positive economic, social and environmental impact, from the need to find new solutions to the problems of our society.
8 empty houses put into use:
3 Private donations
5 Cesions from private owners
15 processes carried out since 2018:
The construction of an average house of 90m2 useful in a housing block will generate about 47,628 GHG of CO2 eq.
La construcción de vivenda nueva genera alrededor de 441 Kg. de GEI de CO2 eq. por m2 construido*.
* According to the report: Estimation of the carbon footprint of the residential development of the UAM – Vía Célere Observatory for the Environmental Sustainability of Residential Buildings. https://www.viacelere.com/
Testimonies of the ADCE (Association of Collaborative Law of the Basque Country) about its founder Mariajosé Anitua Trevijano due to her resignation as president.