Business Model Summary

The empty homes as an opportunity

Two problems, one solution

There are millions of residential dwellings standing empty in Europe and worldwide. On the other hand, many people in vulnerable situations need reliable housing options. These two factors represent an opportunity to mobilise the private housing sector in an innovative and cost-effective way, through collaborative law and caring for the needs of the owners rather than imposing sanctioning strategies that have proved ineffective in many countries.

Fight   —————>  Collaborative law

Sanction —————>  Motivation


Collaboration and innovation

1.European collaborative initiatives to provide social housing through private-public collaboration and innovative Conscious Agreements for a legal systemic change that requires networking with diverse people.

2.New process of Conscious Agreement to connect with the needs of the owners, developed through collaborative law, connecting law and art with innovative tools like the value of values, IA and Agile process.

Trust: Housing justice

3. The focus should be on building trust relationships between the parties that enable true collaboration, listening to the needs of the owners and providing new solutions for them as the key to putting back in use the empty homes for a social use.

IMPACT: the pilot project will create an immediate impact that will maximise in the medium and long term.

Climate change, avoiding new construction with an innovative rehabilitation concept with a minimum reuse cost.

Integration, avoiding ghettos, as the empty dwellings are scattered.

Maintenance of the patrimony and health with significantly lower costs for administration and citizens.
Cost effective access to decent housing, Increased income for owners and administration and reduced costs for tenants and administration.

In the future, other empty spaces: Commercial premises, offices, industrial buildings, etc.

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