Ramón Bernal Uribarrena (Funko)

Dear Sir/Madam

We hereby wish to acknowledge the experience that our organisation, FUNKO, Confederation of Foundations of the Basque Country, has had with María José Anitua, during the time she served as the organisation’s Technical Secretary.

FUNKO, as representative of the foundation sector in the Basque Country, maintains an active collaboration with the Basque Government department that regulates the Protectorate of Foundations. It is a relevant interlocutor, developing a continuous public-private collaboration, which facilitates offering a better context for organisations to develop their social aims.

In this task, during 2016, Maria José Anitua collaborated with FUNKO in the revision of the draft of the new Foundations Law that was to be approved in the Basque Country. Different articles were identified that, with the definition they had in the draft, could cause problems in the management and an intense work was done to put forward proposals to solve the problems indicated.

After active negotiation, in which Maria José Anitua played an important role, an agreement was reached on the new wording of the draft amendment to the Law, proving the good result of the management carried out.

All of this recognises the appropriate management carried out in this area of public-private collaboration between FUNKO and the Basque Government’s Protectorate of Foundations, in which Maria José Anitua played an important role.

Ramón Bernal Uribarrena

Currently FUNKO Board Member, President for the years 2016 to 2021.